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5 Common Instagram Mistakes to Avoid

August 4, 2020

If you’re a business owner or a brand influencer using Instagram as part of your marketing strategy, there’s a really good chance you’re making one of these 5 common Instagram mistakes. I don’t want anyone making these Instagram mistakes, so let’s jump right in and talk about what they are and how to fix them! 

Mistake #1: Not subtitling your stories.

Specifically, I’m talking about those selfie videos where you talk to the camera. We’ve all done it! If you aren’t going to write word for word what you said (which is FINE!), at least put a quick summary on the video. It’s great you’re sharing stories but not seeing engagement, it’s probably because you didn’t subtitle. Most of us don’t have our audio on when we watch stories… so make it easier for everyone to follow whatever you’re talking about. It also makes it more accessible for those hard of hearing! A little blurb can go a LONG way! 

Mistake #2: Not checking your analytics.

This is so, SO important! You need a business account to be able to check your analytics. Reviewing your analytics is SUPER helpful to find out what your followers actually want to see. If you go to your Instagram bio, you can see a ton of information. For now, check out posts and choose “all”. This will show you the most engaging posts on your feed! These topics are what you should focus on! Now you know what’s working and what really isn’t. Check this information constantly when you work on scheduling your social media! 

Mistake #3: Not showing your face.

Hiding behind your business is not going to help you grow – especially if you have a personal brand! Put yourself on your feed, in your stories… people buy from people. They want to know who you are and what makes you special. Trust me, your audience will feel more connected to YOU! 

Mistake #4: Not engaging BACK. 

Guys! If people are taking the time to comment on your post or send a DM, give them the courtesy of responding back! This is a perk of having a smaller audience… you really can answer all of the messages and comments. It’s so easy and it’s a simple way to allow people to feel connected to you! 

Mistake #5: Not being consistent.

This is a huge one! I know you’ve heard it before… but it’s REALLY important. If you’re not consistently showing up for your audience, how can you expect them to show up for you? Be consistent and trust me, your brand and business will grow. Aim for 3-4 posts a week on your feed and show up in stories as often as you can. Showing up helps you stay at the front of people’s mind! 

I hope this was helpful for recognizing 5 common Instagram mistakes and how you can easily improve your account! These are things that can grow not just your Instagram, but also your BUSINESS as a whole when you avoid them! I can’t wait to hear how they’ve changed your time online!

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