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In this episode, I’ll talk about my routine as a busy mom & entrepreneur. Additionally, I’ll elaborate on how that routine has changed as I have transitioned through different phases of motherhood.  Listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Before we jump in, I want to mention that creating & selling online courses are a huge way that I get my time back as a mom. If you have any interest in launching a course, I urge you to check out my Free Launch Timeline! The download gives you an overview of the entire process, phases, strategy and how to do it all in just a few months. My Work Schedule Since 2021, when I became pregnant with my twins, […]

My Weekly Routine as a Busy Mom & Entrepreneur

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Biz Advice

Your subject lines impact whether or not someone will open an email from you. Your brand name and preview text plays a role, too, but nothing drives open rates like a great subject line. In this video, we’ll talk about subject lines for email marketing. I will break down some of my best-performing subject lines, as well as some best practices. What Are Open Rates? When thinking about subject lines for email marketing, we will first look at open rates. Open rates are the percentage of people who open your email versus the amount of subscribers on your list. For example, if you have 100 subscribers and 40 people open your email, that email has an open rate of 40%. […]

Subject Lines 101 for Email Marketing Newsletters & Sales Emails

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Biz Advice

In this video, I will walk you through the backend of my online course setup in Kajabi. I’ll elaborate on why we chose to set up our courses a certain way and what settings we use to provide the best possible customer experience. Helpful Resources For a more introductory video on Kajabi, watch this video first! If you’d like to try Kajabi free for 30 days, click here to use my link! Today, I’m using my course, YouTube for Business, to demonstrate how I set up my Kajabi products. Student Portal First, you’ll see the student login. When someone purchases your course, this is what they’ll see first. I like to start my courses with a “Welcome” module. This module […]

Detailed Course Setup in Kajabi (Outline Structure, Offers, Settings, & More)

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Biz Advice

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