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In this video, I’ll share how to explode your youtube channel with one hack. This hack increases my growth rate because I can analyze what people are searching about in terms of my channel, and use that information to determine what topics I will use in the future. Free Class If you haven’t already started posting on your channel consistently, I encourage you to watch my free YouTube class! It’s an hour long and covers how to start scaling your business marketing with YouTube in four hours per week (no fancy tech required). Find Your Traffic Source The first step in this YouTube growth hack, once you’ve opened YouTube, is to go to your avatar and select “YouTube Studio.” On […]

Explode Your YouTube Channel With This One Hack

Content Creation

As a business owner hoping to market yourself online, you have probably heard one phrase repeatedly. “Give value in your content.” What does give value mean? That’s what we’re talking about today. How can you create content that will create results for your business? It needs to be valuable to your viewers. Let’s talk more about what that looks like.  Leading with Value What does give value mean? I have rephrased this concept to, “leading with value.” I ask myself, “How can I make my content have a value that people will talk about?” It gives my content a specific direction.  Leading with value alludes to the fact that you are giving away something for free in your content: information, […]

What “Valuable Content” Actually Is & Identify the RIGHT Value to Share With Your Audience

Content Creation

If you want to grow your following with online content, this video is for you. We will talk about how to grow an audience of people who are ready to buy what you have to sell in three simple steps. 1. Get Clear on Your Ideal Client Don’t tune me out! This is an important step if you hope to grow your following with online content. If you’re a more established business owner, you have likely heard this before. When it comes to your ideal client, target audience, what your business is, your niche – you must be crystal clear on these things. You might think that you already have these things figured out, but I’m often surprised by how […]

How to Grow Your Following With Online Content in 3 Steps

Content Creation

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