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One year ago, I decided to start over on Instagram after hitting 100,000 followers. I learned a lot about starting a new Instagram account. In this video, I’ll update you on the process, discuss if I regret it, and give you some things to think about at the end. My Instagram Journey I started my personal Instagram account as a teenager. Around 2015, I got serious about using it to grow my business. At the time, I was a photographer. I used Instagram strategically to book clients. Over six years as a photographer, I booked almost half of my clients through Instagram. Instagram had a huge impact on my business. Five years later, in 2020, my account had grown to […]

Am I glad I started a new Instagram account after hitting 100k followers? (1 year later + my tips)

thumbnail image for the Stephanie Kase YouTube Channel

Social Media

Have you ever seen Instagram users talk about how they make sales with Instagram reels and thought to yourself, “But how?!” That’s what I want to talk about in today’s video! I’ll list a few of the ways that I have turned my reels into actual sales. It’s probably more simple than you think! Today, I’m sharing my strategy to make sales with Instagram reels I post on my account. Socials are for Visibility In my business, I use social media to become visible online. I nurture my audience and ask them to join my email list. My email list is where I make the most sales. Remember, email was made for sales. It is much easier to sell to […]

How to Actually MAKE SALES With Instagram Reels

Thumbnail image for SK YouTube video

Social Media

If you’re ready to start creating Reels to grow your business, I’ve got a super easy idea for you to get started! In today’s tutorial, I’m sharing you a step-by-step walkthrough of how to create this easy b-roll style Reel. I’ll be sharing the idea, where it came from, and each step to create your Reel. Follow along to learn how to film, add text boxes, edit in the Reels editor in the app, and more. Let’s jump in!  How to Create an Easy B-Roll Style Reel Step 1: Film B-Roll footage The first thing you’ll need to create this easy Reel is a 12 second long b-roll style video. If you’re wondering what “b-roll” means, consider this: when I’m […]

Create Your First Reel With Me! (Easy Idea With Exact Text Boxes for Beginners)

Stephanie Kase shares a short and easy-to-follow tutorial to create an easy b-roll style Reel for beginners using the Instagram app

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10 Reels Ideas You Can Make Now →

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