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5 Fast Tips for Better Photos With Your Phone

May 14, 2021

One of the best parts of our phones is the ability to take gorgeous, good-quality images throughout our daily lives. I can’t tell you how many times a day I reach for my phone to capture Ember and Chai, or take a quick photo for social media. Today, I’m sharing 5 tips for taking better photos with your phone. I promise, they’re SO easy and will make a huge difference in the quality of the images you capture with your phone!!

Taking Better Photos with Your Phone

1. Wipe your phone’s camera screen with your shirt. This little movement makes such a difference! It allows for a more clear photo that’s higher quality.

2. Avoid using the “zoom” option on your phone. Use your feet to physically move your feet closer or farther away from your subject. It’s much better quality than the zoom!

Tips for better iPhone photos with Stephanie Kase

3. Use as MUCH natural light as possible. More natural light looks cleaner and higher quality. Plus it creates less grain and noise in your photos.

4. Declutter your backgrounds. Crop out the mess on the table, remove the cords hanging from your computer, clear your desk of any clutter for better, more professional photos, whether for your business or during your normal every day life.

5 tips for better phone photos with Stephanie Kase

5. Don’t always wait for the perfect lighting or angles to photograph your life! We can get caught up in trying to make things perfect, but I want to encourage you to also just capture the moments, even if they’re not always the best quality (you can always make the photo black and white later, since that is more forgiving).

Capturing photos with your phone is SUPER easy! And as you can see, these tips for taking  photos with your phone will help make something that’s already easy even better. Join my mobile preset waitlist here so you have first access to them when they’re released!

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