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Does social media drain & overwhelm you? Does it feel like something you have to do in your business rather than something you GET to do? Let’s talk about three ways to overcome that feeling.   Visibility We just opened a brand new live program called Visibility. It’s all about how to get visible and get paid with online marketing – all organic, no paid ads. Whether you’re just starting your business, or hoping to scale your business with online marketing, you have so much to gain from this program. Click here to learn more & enroll now! Change Your Mindset Think of social media as something that allows you to grow your business instead of something you are obligated […]

Does Social Media Drain & Overwhelm You? Here’s How to Fix That!

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Content Creation

In this video, I’ll share the 5 steps to create an online course. After creating three online courses in just ONE year, I have created a polished process that can work for you, too. I’d love to know what you think! Step 1: Create the Outline The first of your steps to create an online course is to create the outline. As soon as I know I will create a course, I begin outlining it in a Google Doc. I flesh out what I want to talk about and write down anything that might need to be included. Over two or three months, I list all of the modules, lessons, and bullet points of what the lessons will include. This […]

5 Steps to Create an Online Course for Beginners (Course Creation Process)

thumbnail image for the Stephanie Kase YouTube channel


YouTube has been transformational for my business. In the most difficult times of my personal life, YouTube has sustained my sales as I needed to take time away. In this video, I’ll share more about what has happened and how YouTube is such a powerful business tool. Keep reading to learn how to grow a business with YouTube! I hear from business owners that they do not have the time to create content for YouTube. This video might get a little spicy, but I will argue that business owners cannot afford NOT to show up on YouTube.  Because there are so many people unwilling to do the work required for a YouTube channel, there is still a lot to gain […]

HOT TAKE: Why Business Owners Can’t Afford to Ignore YouTube

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