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Content Creation

How I get 25k+ Monthly Website Views with CONTENT!

December 29, 2021

Every month, my website views are around 25,000+ and today, I’m sharing exactly how my organic content drives this much traffic. While I’m not an SEO expert by any means, I’ve built up these high views and high traffic through strategic content that I create each month. Although I share a lot about Instagram Reels here, those Reels don’t necessarily give me website views. Instead, I have other strategies for long form content that encourage website views and serve me and the business well. I truly believe in organic content marketing (for me, that’s blogging!) and that it can change your business, so I’m excited to share these tips with you today!

how to increase website views using organic content


Organic content is simply content you create on your website, YouTube account, or other long-form options. It’s meant to educate and draw in visitors to your website so they can learn and purchase from you. In order to understand what content works well for your audience so you can plan more of it, I recommend using Google analytics. It’s a great way to monitor how people are getting to your site, too. You can set this up for your own website – they have some great and easy tutorials.

Once you’ve got that set up, select “Behavior” on the left hand side that has the drop down menu and choose “all pages”. There, you can look at the last month and scroll down so you can see your page views. Below the chart, you can look at the pages that are most popular on your site. It’s SO helpful to look at what content people love on your website!!! But when I look at my top page views, I can see that a lot of what brings people to my site is indeed my blog posts. 


When I look at these page views, I can tell that these topics are what I’m ranking for when people search for content… which is really all SEO is. SEO stands for “search engine optimization” and it simply means that your content is optimized to rank for those specific words you’ve chosen. When I look at my analytics and see the topics that bring traffic to my website, I know that those are topics I should continue to use and optimize my content for. 

Now that we know what’s driving people to our site, it’s important to know HOW they’re finding us. If you go to “Acquisition” on the left hand side, select “all traffic”  then hit “channels”, you can see what is bringing your customers to you. If you scroll down, it breaks down organic search (Google, Yahoo, etc.), social, direct (if someone types your website in), and referral (clicking a link in your emails, for example) traffic.

For me, organic searches are what actually drive the most users to my website. It’s a great feeling because even though I do love social media and show up regularly, I know I don’t have to every single day. That means my content strategy is working. By showing up regularly on my website and on my blog, I have definitely grown my website traffic! 


Building up this kind of traffic doesn’t happen overnight. I’ve been blogging consistently for years. It took a few months to really start to see the traffic but it will happen! Start now so that you can build up your views and long-term results. By blogging consistently, Google sees your site is always fresh and being updated, which helps your SEO ratings. Make sure you’re picking topics that are in your niche and that people are searching for. Think about what you’re asked about often and turn those into blog posts. Remember, you want to drive them to your paid products and offerings – so what topics do those focus on? 

Another great way to drive traffic to your site is to use YouTube! Make sure you link to the video in your blog, too. Finally, work on keeping your bounce rate low. Bounce rate simply means how long someone stays on your site. Keeping the bounce rate low means they’re staying on your site and content. 


Seriously, start now. I know it can be hard when you only see 10 views on a blog post. But, keep going. As you continue to show up regularly, the benefits will come! I know that it can feel overwhelming, so consider hiring help. I have a content writer who creates my blogs each week and writes them for me. In order to make the most of your team member’s help, create a content calendar. I have a template and a tutorial for that HERE. Work smarter, not harder so that this process is sustainable!! 

Remember, staying consistent when it comes to blogging is the best way to increase the traffic on your site. Write good quality content that your audience needs and just keep going. I know it can be difficult at first but this long term organic strategy is SO important for growing your brand! 

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