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Most of your online marketing will be in the form of content creation. As a busy business owner, how can you create more time in your schedule to create that content?  Listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! We’ll consider two methods of creating more time in your day: Eliminating and delegating. Here are some things you can consider eliminating. Platforms Are there platforms that are not converting for your business? If you don’t know, start implementing systems of tracking where your leads and sales are coming from. Conversions are more than just views. Are you gaining new leads? How many sales are you getting from each platform? Consider eliminating platforms that are not helping to grow your business. Tasks […]

Get More Time In Your Day for Marketing Your Business

Social Media

 I believe that you should probably not start a podcast. Instead, I recommend you start with a different type of long-form marketing such as YouTube or blogging. Listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Often, business owners want to start showing up on another platform and they consider either a podcast or a YouTube channel. Both platforms have a few things in common. They are long-form, they are evergreen and they both build strong connections with your audience. Downside of Podcasting However, podcasts, in my opinion, are primarily for nurturing your warm audience. In other words, people who will listen to your podcast have already found you elsewhere. It’s not as likely that brand-new people will stumble upon your podcast and […]

Why You Shouldn’t Start a Podcast (And What To Do Instead)

Social Media

One year ago, I decided to start over on Instagram after hitting 100,000 followers. I learned a lot about starting a new Instagram account. In this video, I’ll update you on the process, discuss if I regret it, and give you some things to think about at the end. My Instagram Journey I started my personal Instagram account as a teenager. Around 2015, I got serious about using it to grow my business. At the time, I was a photographer. I used Instagram strategically to book clients. Over six years as a photographer, I booked almost half of my clients through Instagram. Instagram had a huge impact on my business. Five years later, in 2020, my account had grown to […]

Am I glad I started a new Instagram account after hitting 100k followers? (1 year later + my tips)

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