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Social Media

The Secret to Showing Up On Multiple Platforms Without Burnout

October 15, 2024

The concept of content stacking will change the game for you when considering your social media and how to show up on multiple platforms without feeling burnt out. Keep reading to learn more about showing up on multiple platforms without burnout.


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Right now, you might approach your social media one platform at a time. Create an Instagram reel and post it on Instagram, create an email and send it to your email list, create a YouTube video and post it on YouTube, and so on. Instead, try to create one foundational piece of long-form content each week. Then, use that content to reuse or recreate content for other platforms. Work smarter and not harder. Focus your brain power into one great piece of content.


To reuse content means to take something you’ve already created and share it on another platform with minimal changes. For example, you might make a reel and share that same reel on YouTube and TikTok. Or, you might write an outline for YouTube and use that same outline as an Instagram caption.


To recreate content means to take the long-form piece of content and do some extra editing so that it makes sense to post on other platforms. For example, clipping a YouTube video, converting the video into a vertical format, and sharing those clips on short-form platforms. You might also share a YouTube video you’ve already created in your email newsletter, turn a podcast episode into a blog post, or convert an Instagram story into an Instagram reel.

One of my team members does a lot of recreating for SK. She sometimes uses outlines I’ve written for YouTube or the Podcast to create reels. In thinking about the future, consider developing a system like this so that you can expand your team and they can easily take over some pieces of content creation.

Recreating helps because you’re not creating new concepts. Instead, you’re presenting concepts you’ve already worked on in different ways. 

Content Stacking

At SK, I create a YouTube video. That same video is clipped into short-form videos, used as a blog post, sent in our weekly newsletter, and posted on Instagram stories, and we use the outline in other emails and Instagram content, too.

With content stacking, we can show up on different platforms in various ways without always going back to the drawing board. It’s a huge part of showing up on multiple platforms without burnout.

Next week, we’ll talk about four things your social media marketing needs to be doing. I’ll share ways to ensure that your content is ultimately impactful for growing your business online.

See you on Monday at 7 AM!

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