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Social Media

Is Your Audience Growing, But You’re NOT Seeing Sales? Here’s What to Change!

October 29, 2024

Are you seeing traction on social media and yet not seeing sales? Here are some things to think about.


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The Right Audience

First, are you growing your audience the right way?

If you have a great audience and are not seeing sales, you might not have attracted the right people. You want an audience that is full of buyers rather than people who follow you for personal content. Ideally, they are followers who are excited about the paid offers you have. Part of raising that excitement entails attracting the right followers from the start. 

Often, I see people creating content that gains traction but does not make an attempt to sell. When I say sell, this does not have to be a hard pitch. It might, instead, look like sharing a freebie, mentioning a link to a paid offer in a reel, or sharing a link during a series of stories.

From the beginning, make a habit of including conversion-driven content. If you don’t, then later, when you do share your offers, your audience will feel confused! It can be difficult to back track and get your audience “in” on your paid offers.

Free Reels Class

Reels are a great way to start growing your audience! In my Free Reels Class, I’ll share the right way to create conversion-based reels for your business. Click here to register for the class now!

Organic Content

Second, are you consistently selling to your audience in a way that feels organic?

You can often see a shift between someone’s regular content and the content they post to sell their offers. Maybe they feel like they cannot show up in the same way because they are ultimately trying to sell.

I tend to ask myself, “How can I make this feel like any other piece of content I would create for my account?” You might be familiar with influencers on social media. In some content, you can see the pitch from a mile away. It feels sales-y and obvious. On the other hand, you might watch content and not realize it’s sponsored until halfway through because they did a great job of making it feel authentic and engaging.

Think about how you can be bold when sharing your offers, but at the same time, make it feel like an organic, natural fit to what you’re already sharing.

New Strategies

Third, try something new. 

Sometimes, we try the same things over and over again. Maybe it’s because it’s the advice we have been given or because we see other people finding success in the same way. However, if it’s not working for you, then don’t be afraid to try new things on social media.

This might mean you need to put your blinders on to what other people are doing and get creative.

See You Next Week

That wraps up our series on social media marketing that works! I have some big things for the podcast planned, including new guests! Stay tuned for more!

I’ll be back on Monday at 7 AM with a brand new episode!

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