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For Photographers

The Business Confident Photographer Course Launch

November 16, 2020

This program has been on my heart and mind to create and launch for about a year. A whole YEAR.

Since then, I’ve been building it to be exactly what wedding and portrait photographers need…

And THAT online course is launching today!
Are you ready to build a photography business that helps you stand out & book dream clients? I am BEYOND excited to share that the doors are officially OPEN for The Business Confident Photographer!! This new course is going to help you streamline your business, raise your prices, and pack your calendar!

I’ve been in your shoes: unsure about what my next steps should be, overwhelmed, and feeling like no one could hear me above the noise. I watch my work increase and my bookings go down. And that’s NO way to be. But now, I’ve had the privilege of teaching over 900 online students how to run a profitable photography business, too!

Since there’s only one of me, I decided to package up my years of knowledge, proven business frameworks, systems, templates and more into this very course: The Business Confident Photographer, so I can help you run a profitable photography business filled with freedom and not burnout or endless frustration.


The Business Confident Photographer IS OPEN! Learn about a new course for photographers who want to change their business taught by Stephanie Kase

The Business Confident Photographer

The Business Confident Photographer is an online course for wedding and portrait photographers who want to build a successful, streamlined photography business without the burnout. If you want the freedom-filled, profitable photography business, but you don’t know where to start (or re-start), this course is perfect for you!

The 10 modules that make up the course video content (lessons and tutorials) is approximately 16 hours long. Over here, we have no long videos filled with fluff! I teach with a practical, to the point teaching style that allows us to cover a LOT of ground in a short amount of time, while still allowing it to totally make sense for you. This means faster results for your business growth. You’ll also have access to video transcripts, plus the workbook, templates, and more to make the content super easy to put into action.

So, what are you waiting for? Everything you need to build the photography business of your dreams is waiting for you inside! Join us now!

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