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6 Ways to Find Ideas for YouTube Videos that will GET VIEWS & conversions!

May 3, 2023

If you’re wondering how to find the best ideas for YouTube to create videos that people want to watch, then this week’s post is for you! I’m giving you my exact strategy for creating YouTube videos that grow my account and create interactions and also grow my income as a result. Throughout May, we’ll be talking about growing your YouTube account – so let’s jump in with this week’s strategies! 

Stephanie Kase shares where to find ideas for YouTube videos that will get more views and convert your viewers to customers to grow your business


The first thing I like to think about when coming up with video ideas for my YouTube channel is my target audience. I start to ask myself questions: What videos do they want to see? What questions/topics/pain points do you hear about? Can I create a video that will give them a quick win? What do they search for? A lot of the videos are either sit down videos where I talk or tutorials of a specific program or task. So many people in my target audience are business owners, so I want to help them with things they’ll use in their business every day. Take a look at your DMs on your social media, comments on your existing videos, and emails. Anywhere that someone asks you a question, you can find topics for videos that your target audience clearly wants. 

I also think that you need to consider your existing brand/business/products. If you want to drive people towards your business, then your content has to make sense with the rest of your brand and offerings – and your target audience. 


If you’re already making videos, you need to be reviewing your analytics AT LEAST once a month. Understanding what works well on your channel will allow you to create more content that will do well. Creating more content that’s on the same topic as videos you have already performed well also makes your content more bingable. People will want to know all of your tips for the topic you’re speaking to. 

What am I looking for?

This could be as simple as understanding what performed well during the month (or what didn’t). I also like to look at my analytics in two other ways. First, are there any videos that are popping off? If something really took off, what else can I make that’s in a similar topic. For example, when I was growing my YouTube channel, I noticed that any video I made on the topic of Instagram resonated well with my audience. So I continued to make more videos on Instagram. As Reels came out, I made a video on them – and that performed so so well. At that point, I knew this was what my channel needed to focus on.

The second thing I look for is if there are any search terms in which my channel/videos are coming up – but I don’t have a video on that topic. For example, I started noticing that “Instagram Reels add text” brought my videos up, but I didn’t actually make a video on that. I had a full tutorial, but not that specific topic – so I made a video about it and it did really well. The bottom line of reviewing your analytics is: how can you better serve the people on YouTube based on what they’re looking to you for? If they already like your videos (demonstrated by content performing well), what else can you give them that they’ll love or that they need? 


The third way that I like to come up with ideas for my YouTube videos that will make an impact for my brand is that I think about what kind of videos will lead to sales or new leads for me. When my channel was taking off because of the Instagram Reels content, I had to step back for a minute and think. I’m a digital business owner. I create products for business owners to improve their own businesses. How could I turn all of this video traffic into something for my business? I realized people were very interested in Reels cover photos, so I created my templates freebie then created a tutorial to go with it! It helped grow my business because people were getting on my email list and I could eventually sell my course down the line to them. What makes creating content sustainable is getting people on my list and then eventually being sold to. 

You can do this in so many ways, depending on your business. Whether it’s for your services, products (digital or physical), affiliate income, or something else, this idea remains the same. You can also build your email list through your videos, too. For more ideas, check out My Exact Formula to Making Money on YouTube! This step-by-step formula will show you more about how I make money from my YouTube videos. 


The fourth way to come up with video ideas that will actually get you views. I LOVE this program – it’s incredible. We do the paid version, but you can use a free one too. Essentially, TubeBuddy allows you to search your terms on YouTube and determine how it will perform. One of the best ways to get views on videos is to think about search-driven terms on the platform. What are people searching for? The other way is that you want to get your videos on YouTube’s homepage. But, when it comes to being found through search, TubeBuddy is your best friend. I run all of my ideas and titles past TubeBuddy to see which version people are more likely to find us with. Look for video topics/terms that are highly searchable but you have low competition on. Those are the ones you want to focus on creating!  


Another way to create content that will get views on YouTube is looking at what’s working for others. I want to say this with a caveat: don’t watch the videos, just research what’s working for others. Do NOT copy anyone else. But, there’s nothing wrong with researching what’s working for others in your niche. Looking at what’s working well on other channels can help you brainstorm possible ideas for your own brand and channel. Allow yourself to be inspired on topics that you might not have thought of otherwise. 


The last way that I create YouTube videos that will get views is to just brainstorm some ideas – especially after you’ve gone through these other ideas. Sit down and think through what topics and subtopics you can cover. For example, I did a full Instagram Reel tutorial, I still did one one how to add text, because people really just wanted that snapshot. Give yourself 30 minutes to sit down and think through possible ideas of videos you could create. Remember to look at what’s performed well and what possible subtopics you could pull out from your existing videos. 

More Tips…

I hope that these ideas inspire you to brainstorm some great YouTube video topics. Don’t forget to download My Exact Formula to Making Money on YouTube! This will help you explore my exact strategy to create videos that your audience will love – and your bank account will, too! 

PS. We’ve started a podcast! If you haven’t checked it out yet, now is the time! If you’re listening and you have ideas about what to talk about next, please send in your requests! I really do want to know what you want to hear about in future episodes. Email me at [email protected] with your questions!! I can’t wait to hear from you!

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