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My Favorite Business Books That Changed the Game

September 28, 2020

Today, I’m sharing some of my favorite business books with you. All of these are books that changed the game for me when it came to growing and running my small business. Below, you’ll learn WHY I love them so much and why you should read these books too! Each of them has impacted how I run my business and my brand, so they’ve been really helpful to me personally. I can’t wait to hear about your favorite business book too! 

My Favorite Business Books That Changed the Game

This is Marketing

This is Marketing by Seth Godin. If you’re not really a reader, this is a great book to start with. It’s an easy read, broken down into short chapters (really stories) that really emphasize how to be a great marketer. It’s definitely a game changer filled with SO many useful nuggets of information for you to completely change how you market! 

Profit First

The second book I’ve been working through is Profit First by Mike Michalowicz. He’s a genius when it comes to your finances and business. It’s not a fun topic to talk about but it’s SO important to understand! If we want to have a successful business, we need to really know about our money. This book has been a game changer especially this year. I’m only about halfway through as of right now, but it’s already revolutionized my finances. It’s really about learning about how to put profit first, knowing you should make a certain amount based on your revenue. And then learning how to manage your expenses so that you can pay yourself first and profit first. 


The third book I want to talk about is Contagious by Jonah Berger. It’s similar to This is Marketing, but it’s SO good. The main thing I got from this book is how to encourage people to get invested in YOUR business. In turn, it begins to feel like they’re the ones marketing and sharing your business for you because they’re excited about what you do. This book is a bit more about how things go viral, get spread around the web and how we can apply those concepts to our businesses! I changed a lot of my photography client experience after reading this book and I’m SOOOO happy I did! 

168 Hours

168 Hours by Laura Vanderkam is a book I actually read a few years ago. But honestly, I really want to read it again because…. WOW. If you feel like you have a hard time with managing your time, productivity and anything related to not having enough time, then you need to read this one. The main things I’ve gotten from this book is where you’re spending your time is your priority. Saying you don’t have enough time is a myth. Instead, it’s about learning where your priorities lie and giving those the time you DO have. At it’s core, the book reminds us that we have more time than we think and we can do what we want if it’s our priority. 


The last book is Essentialism by Greg McKeown. I read this one recently and it’s super interesting. It’s all about finding the thing that you’re REALLY good at and honing in on that one thing to help you grow. Whether it’s in your life or business, it’s going to help you. It was super eye-opening for me to see what I do well and what I don’t. There’s so many things we do that aren’t “essential” and it’s really cool to see what that looks like in each of our lives! 

I would love to know what your favorite business book is! I love to read and I can’t wait to see what recommendations you have. These amazing books will CHANGE your life if you give them a chance! Have you read any of the ones I mentioned? What did you think?

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