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For Photographers

Tips for Wedding Photography Consultations + a FREEBIE

July 24, 2018

Hey friends! This is something there’s not a lot of education on in the photography world so I’m INCREDIBLY excited to be sharing these tips with you today!! Wedding photography consultations can be super scary when you’re first starting out… There are so many different ways to conduct them. My hope is that this gives you some guidance when conducting your OWN meetings, but of course, be sure to look at what is best for you and YOUR ideal client… bring it all back to your why, and that’s where the magic will happen for you! :)

P.S. After you watch the video or read the post, be sure to scroll down to grab your freebie! ;)

WHERE TO MEET: It’s what’s best for you! For a very long time, I met in coffee shops in whatever part of town my clients were in. I think coffee shops are completely acceptable for meetings! If I had to go back and re-do it, though, I would definitely stick to meeting at one near where I lived and not driving 30+ minutes one way to meet new clients. I know they appreciated it, but half way through I switched to meeting one close to where I was at, and didn’t see any fewer clients book because of it! Nowadays, I meet all of my clients over at my home. It fits my business so well because I love welcoming people in, so it fits my brand really well. But if your brand’s vibe is more meeting for coffee like friends, that totally works too! Find what works for you!

BE PREPARED: Think of it in two parts… Getting to know the couple and sharing about your wedding experience. Having a game plan going in is CRUCIAL for making sure there aren’t any awkward lulls in the conversation or pauses where you aren’t sure what to talk about next. 

Consultations typically last around 50 minutes to 1 hour for me, so the first 30 minutes (the first half of the consultation) I am usually getting to know the couple. I’m asking about their story, how they met, how he proposed, what’s important to them for their wedding, what they have planned, etc. Some couples are super easy to ask questions to, and will naturally chat about all the details – while you might have to ask better follow-up questions for others. Be genuinely interested in what they’re saying and ask further questions that show your interest! Even if they respond with a something short, keep asking until you get to a question that they can’t wait to share about!

The second half is me sharing what the wedding experience looks like with me, from the engagement session, to the day of the wedding, to receiving their images. They should know exactly what to expect, and you want them to envision you being a part of their wedding! :) 

WHAT TO BRING: I always bring along my laptop with an online viewing gallery pulled up (on Pixieset), my sample albums, my wedding guide, and a little gift for the couple. This really helps to remind you of what to chat about during the second part of the consultation and gives some great visuals, as well as the couple to see more of your work in an entire gallery from one wedding, from start to finish!

If you want a quick checklist of everything I bring, fill in your info below to get it RIGHT in your inbox:

BONUS TIP: Make it your own! You will have to try many different things to see what works for you and what you love to do for initial meetings! Different things are going to work well for your brand and how you connect with your ideal clients, so thinking through that is going to help guide you in how you should conduct your meetings! This will also help you to stand out and not do what everyone else is doing. Bring it back to your why and who you serve so that it just makes sense for you and your business! :)

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