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Lead Magnet Ideas That CONVERT! Grow your email list fast with these freebies!

November 1, 2023

Are you looking to grow your list faster and gain subscribers as quickly as you can? Today, I’m sharing lead magnet ideas that actually convert and help you grow your email list faster! When I say “lead magnet”, I’m talking about the freebie that someone gets in exchange for giving you their email. That could be a download, template, video lesson, or something else entirely. Here are the most effective freebies I personally have created! PS. If you’re interested in learning more and building a strong email marketing plan, check out my FREE email class


Stephanie Kase shares 3 lead magnet ideas that convert to help small business owners grow their email lists quickly and create engaged subscribers

Lead Magnet Ideas that Convert!


The first freebie idea that’s super effective for building your email list is a template. Templates provide an easy win for your customers and they’re often super easy to create, too. Templates usually involve a pain point that your ideal customer is experiencing and by using your free template, they’re able to solve that issue and become an engaged subscriber on your list. The kind of template you design can vary – email templates, workflow templates, meal plans. Literally any business or niche can use this idea! 

The template that you’re sharing should be something you use and created on your own (not something you bought from someone else!). Seriously, if it’s something you already use in your business, it will be SO easy for you to take it and be able to offer it to build your email list, which I’m a fan of. We’ve done this a few times and they always convert really well. 

Live webinar replays

The second type of lead magnet that converts really well are live webinar replays. Honestly, I’m absolutely obsessed with this and they’ve helped us grow our lists much month after month. Basically, I take a webinar that I’ve done live and put it on replay status, so that people can sign up for it later on and still view the webinar. Now, these freebies are a bit more time intensive but it’s always paid off for us. In fact, it’s the way we get the most subscribers and sales to my business month after month. The best part is that all of these sales are automated – they watch the webinar, are offered a product pitch at the end, and we get sales. It’s very genuine but it’s definitely something that’s boosted our email list and actual sales month after month. 

If you’re selling mid to high ticket offers, live webinar replays are like expedited sales funnels. You’re taking a cold lead, quickly turning them to a warm lead through the webinar and then a customer. Because they’re seeing you talk and hearing you, they’re becoming more connected while receiving that education from you. It’s an amazing journey for your students! 


The third type of freebie that I’m obsessed with are quizzes! Quizzes are super fun and interactive for your ideal client. The idea is that someone takes the quiz. But to get the results, they have to provide their email address. We’ve found that quizzes that ask people who they are or what’s next in their business perform well. Ours are “Your next reel idea or their next step to their next 1,000 IG followers”. They’ve been a lot of fun to create for our customers. I think that quizzes can really be used for any type of business with strategy! 

A Final Thought 

After you decide which type of lead magnet you want to use in your business, ask yourself: “How can I make this freebie irresistible & give IMMENSE value?” Think about what your ideal client needs and what would make them hit “download”. Remember, the goal is that they get a quick win, but are left wanting more from you. That’s going to make your customers more engaged in your email list right away. If you created a truly powerful lead magnet, you’re going to have engaged subscribers and potential customers. That way, they’re going to be more invested in anything you create that’s paid later on! 

I hope that you find these lead magnet ideas helpful! I always love finding the best ways to convert new email subscribers to customers for you. If you’re interested in learning more about email marketing strategies, check out our free one our class here

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