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10k Shop Sale Recap

December 2, 2020

Back in October, I hit 10k followers on Instagram. To celebrate this amazing milestone, I did a huge sale in my shop for a week that month! Today, I wanted to break down some of the analytics of the sale and how it went so I can share some tip for having a GREAT sale organically for your own business! Let’s jump right into the shop sale recap! 

How to run a shop sale organically with no Facebook ads and make $5K

Why I Had the Sale:

I had a huge course coming out the following month and in an effort to prepare my audience, I wanted to encourage them to purchase the smaller products I have. A sale allowed new buyers to purchase products they might not have otherwise and then get them excited for the new course! It was also a nice boost in my income this fall since I was not planing on running a big Black Friday sale in November! 

What Worked for this Sale:

I ran the entire sale organically (even if I did TRY to add Facebook ads but never turned them on!). Instead, I focused on nurturing my email list and my Instagram audience. Because I have 10K followers on Instagram, I now have the “swipe up” feature on Instagram and that helped immensely. Additionally, using that huge growth on Instagram to create hype around the sale helped a bunch too! I had more people to reach and tried to make it fun for them too. I made a sharable graphic for anyone who purchased from my shop. When they shared it on Instagram, I added it to my stories too. It made everyone more excited to purchase!! And finally, I repurposed content from my shop’s launch originally, which helped me not stress about the content I was putting out! 

What I’d Do Differently:

Honestly, I would have LOVED to run Facebook ads! When I launched my shop initially, I spent $40 on those ads and made an extra $2k, so it was well worth it. I’m still happy with this sale but I know I could have done more! Additionally, I might have tried running a week long sale on ONE item instead of the whole shop. Because I was sharing about all of my products, I found the sale to be a bit draining on me and my team but we made it through! 

The End Result… 

The final results of this shop sale recap? Over the week, I made $5,500. Considering it was a totally organic sale with no ads, I’m VERY happy with that! I’m even more excited to know that everyone is getting the education they’re looking for in their business. And, it helped grow my audience for the course launch the following month! Thank you to everyone who supports me by purchasing their education in my shop! It means so much to me!


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