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Video Marketing for Small Business Owners

April 24, 2019

Video marketing is the QUICKEST way for your potential clients to like, know, and trust you. This means that people are more willing to invest in your products or services after seeing video of you or what you offer… more than any text or photos on a screen. Crazy, right?! If you’re a photographer or small creative business owner, I want to share a little bit about video marketing and how it can work for your business.

And here’s the thing: You don’t need a fancy camera to get started. In fact, just grabbing your phone and hitting “record” without everything being perfect can actually be MORE impactful than making everything perfect with a fancy camera. I HAVE a fancy camera and I do most of my video without it!

Here are a few quick ways for you to get started on video marketing:

  • Insta-stories. This is SO EASY and such a great way to connect with your audience! Flip your camera to selfie mode and do some videos of you talking into the camera. Instead of posting a photo and telling people there’s a new blog post, TALK into the camera and tell us about it!
  • Behind the scenes. Grab a friend or an assistant who wants to get into photography to follow you on shoots and weddings to take not just photos, but VIDEO of you working! These videos are so powerful! Again, just give them your smartphone and have them hit record… real is better than perfect!
  • Show off your products and services. This can be done in so many ways, with you sharing about your products, or talking about the experience you offer. You can TOTALLY do this yourself… and you can also hire a videographer to do it for you. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy to still be impactful!
  • Testimonials. THIS IS HUGE! Ask your clients if they would be willing to send over a clip of them sharing about their experience with your products or services. Share this on social media and your website, or even put together a video with a bunch of different clips from different clients, like this one!


If you want to learn even more about video marketing for photographers and creative small business owners and WHERE to share and WHAT to share about, grab my freebie below:

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