When it comes to scaling my business revenue to multiple 6 figures over the past few years, there's been one key element that's led the way: Email marketing.
Not only has it given me time freedom, but it's ALSO a platform I totally own - no one can take it away from me, and no algorithms to compete with. Pretty awesome, isn't it?
Social media nurtures your audience, while email turns them into a paid customer.
YUP, it's true! Email was, quite literally, CREATED to sell. We join email newsletters with the expectation of promotional emails, and even join BECAUSE we want to stay up to date on the latest offers! Email marketing is like a secret weapon in your business to get direct access to sell to your customers, without algorithms.
Nowadays, there are nearly 5 BILLION users of email and that number continues to grow every year!
Let me tell you a secret: Even as an "Instagram expert", I don't make most of my sales on Instagram. I make sales from my email list.
No matter your audience size or stage of business, no matter if you're a service based business with clients, a physical product based business selling online or in person, or if you offer digital products like online courses: Email marketing needs to have a place in your marketing strategy. In my own journey starting out with 1:1 services for clients and moving into digital products, all along the way, email marketing has played a HUGE role in my growth and success in actually driving revenue.
Instagram is simply one strategic way (like all social media platforms) where I gain visibility to point my ideal client to my email list, where I have the right funnels, campaigns, and automations set up to drive business income!
Write & execute email sales funnels & automations that have high open rates & convert for your offers
Turn subscribers into sales: What does that look like? What emails do you actually send?
Know what emails to send to nurture your subscribers, and a plan to be consistent with your list
How to continually gain the right new subscribers, easily and repeatedly
What you really need someone to teach you is:
But let's be honest for a second about your own email marketing...
+ How can I be consistent with my email list?
+ How do I sell to my email list during a live launch?
+ What in the world do I send to my list after I start growing it?
+ How do I write sales emails that aren’t salesy and convert?
+ What does an email sales funnel look like & how do I set that up?
+ How do I set up automations to make sales on autopilot for my paid offers (services, memberships, products, & more)?
Crash Course on Starting Your List
Create Irresistible Freebies
Consistently Gain New Subscribers
Module 1
Write Newsletters That Get Seen & Convert
Create Your Monthly Email Schedule
Planning Live Launch Campaigns
Selling Without Feeling Sales-y
Module 2
Mapping Out Your Funnels
Freebie Tripwires
Email Sales Funnels
Free Webinar Replay Strategy
Upsells & Downsells
Cart Abandonment Email Sequences
Post Purchase Email Sequences
Testing, Tracking, & Increasing Conversions
Module 3
Overview of Flodesk & Best Flodesk Settings
Flodesk Welcome Campaign Workflow
Flodesk Freebie Form, Tripwire Setup, & Delivery Workflow
Flodesk Automatic Nurture Sequence Workflow
Flodesk Email Sales Funnel Workflow
Organize & Schedule Live Launch Campaign Emails
Webinar Replay Page Setup & Delivery Tutorial With Vimeo, Showit, & Flodesk
Deadline Funnel Tutorial
Zapier Tutorial
Manychat Tutorial
Chat GPT for Email Marketing
Module 5
Digital Products
Online Courses
Live Programs (Memberships, Live Programs, Group Coaching)
Physical Products
Module 4
Grow Your List With Summits, Pop-up Podcasts, & Bundles by Dolly DeLong
100+ Subject Lines Swipe File
Defining Email Marketing Terms Cheat Sheet
Whitelisting Instructions
Trello Board: Launches & Promotions
Trello Board: Email Content Calendar
Example Audience Survey Forms
Sample Calendars of Live Launch Emails
Sample Live Email Calendar
List of Live Sales Email Ideas
Anatomy of Effective Emails (Sales & Nurture)
Buyer Types E-Book
Module 6
Inside this course, you'll find...
Lifetime access to 6 modules with 32 self-paced video lessons & a workbook
- Jennifer Kaiser @jen.kaiser, Website Designer
"It's advanced email marketing, but simplified into an easy to understand and implement format."
"If you're just getting started with email marketing or you've been at it for a while and feel overwhelmed, or like you don't have a good system in place, this course is everything you need to know. And every single video is actionable... I didn't walk away from a video questioning what step I should actually take next. I'm so glad I took it, I can't wait to see how this helps to grow my business and take it to the next level!"
- Hambleton Brewery @hambletonbrewery
This course is packed with information! It dives deep into the 'whys' and 'how tos' in a really detailed way. Great for beginner's looking to get started or those wanting to take things to the next level with more advanced strategies.
active subscribers on my email list with 39.1% average open rates (typically we gain 500+ every month from organic marketing)
generated from a webinar replay freebie from ONE of my classes that pitches my online course
generated from implementing ONE freebie tripwire strategy for a low ticket digital product
generated in a 5 day launch for one online course, primarily from email marketing
generated in completely passive email funnels for my courses
given back to me in my business, because I'm no longer ALWAYS exchanging my time for money
I can still remember joining one of my first online courses as someone who wanted to create and scale their passive income, and it was on email marketing.
I clearly remember how disappointed I was when I got to the end of the course and juuuusstttt when it was getting good… I had my list set up, I knew how to gain subscribers, I knew the basics of what emails to send… and that’s where it ended.
But my friend, that’s where this course BEGINS.
After that course, I moved forward with a determination to learn all the puzzle pieces to scaling my income with my offers, in a way that was passive and made me sales on automatic (even in my sleep).
Don’t get me wrong, inside Inbox to Income, we give you a crash-course in the first few lessons on your list and the basics you need to know (and maybe re-learn how to do it RIGHT)... but then we dive deep into how to actually make sales from your offers with email marketing.
And now, I'm SO excited to share with you the email marketing automations, systems, and plans that have truly skyrocketed my business!
Ready to take your email marketing to the next level and understand what to set up in order to make $$, in a way that’s sustainable and brings in sales? ↓
- The Productivity Zone @theproductivityzone, Productivity Coach
"Inbox to Income will fire you up in a way no other email marketing course can!"
"If you've been trying and trying to make email marketing work in your business, and you're feeling defeated and depleted as a result, Inbox to Income will fire you up in a way no other email marketing course can or could. I know, I've taken quite a few, and I've never been more FIRED UP to write emails for my business!! Dare I say, it may actually be FUN!!"
- Lauren Sullivan @withlaurensullivan, Mindfulness Educator
"Stephanie went into detail with so many topics I hadn't ever understood or considered before. I'm honestly blown away by her knowledge and wish I had taken this course years ago when I was just beginning as an entrepreneur. The additional tutorials, guest trainings and templates were also amazing. Nothing was missed in this course!"
"I will be coming back to this course again and again because the value of what she shared is going to help my business continue to grow through each phase of my growing business."
- Brookshier Creative @brookshiercreative, Maternity Photographer
"Inbox to Income is very thorough! I took another email marketing course from a popular business expert and it was helpful but Inbox to Income went deeper into strategy in a way that was so helpful. Inbox to Income gave me so many doable action steps for my email list that I am excited to implement.This course is very detailed but easy to understand. I know that I will be referencing this course for a long time as my email list grows."
"I had no idea where to start with funnels but now I feel like I am ready to go all in with them in my business."
If you aren't using email marketing, you are leaving money on the table with the business you are spending so much time growing. It's where I see the greatest ROI for my own time in my business, which is why I make it a priority. Email was MADE to sell and make $$. Leverage it!
The thing is, your freebie needs to be VALUABLE and very specific to your ideal client. We dive deep inside Inbox to Income on what this looks like, examples, different types, and ensuring it's attracting the right leads. If your freebie isn't converting, time to change it up & I'll show you how!
If I was starting over in my business, the FIRST thing I would do is start my email list. YUP, from day one, even before I created a website. Growing your list AS your audience grows is truly the way to do it. Otherwise, you'll be spending a lot of time backtracking & trying to get new followers to join your list, where the SALES actually happen.
Well, when you join Inbox to Income and work through the course, you're going to get an ENTIRE game plan of exact email ideas to send, weekly newsletters that nurture & convert your audience, how often & the logistics of planning live launch campaigns, exact ideas for sales emails, AND MORE. Come take your spot as a student and start seeing conversions!!
Inside this self-paced online course, you'll gain lifetime access to 6 self paced modules with 32 video lessons, a workbook to help you implement what you learn, and a module filled with actionable downloads.
Nope, no refunds available here! This email course is for business owners who are truly READY to take action and truly show up to learn, who want to do the work to grow using email marketing.
We take pride in just how much VALUE this course provides and the results you can get by implementing what we teach. And our 4,000+ online students would say so, too! :)
✔️ Want clarity on how to create & where to share your valuable freebies so the right people download them
✔️ Want to create a sustainable email marketing plan month after month that makes sense for your business
✔️ Want to sell your offers via email, whether that’s a service, digital product, online course, live program, live events, affiliate links, or physical product & want guidance on the email campaigns for live launching & automations
✔️ Might want to create an automation or funnel for your paid offers to make sales on autopilot, regardless of what type of paid offer you sell
✔️ Might desire to create a video training strategy that makes you passive sales (like a live webinar replay, masterclass, or online workshop) and set it up to make autopilot sales without running it live constantly
This course IS for you if you...
✕ Want a VERY detailed walk through of the basics of email marketing and starting your list, because you know one module on that isn't going to cut it for you
✕ Already feel very overwhelmed at the idea of writing email campaigns, funnels, and automations, AND learning more would only overwhelm you further (and not inspire you)
✕ You want in-depth live webinar strategy (while we go over the basics of video trainings, the focus is on the email strategy)
✕ You ONLY sell services to clients that will only ever book you once, and don't want to expand your offerings at all (for example, a wedding planner who works with clients one time)
✕ You don’t enjoy self-paced learning or self-led courses
This course IS NOT for you if you...
I’ve taken other email marketing courses and I know all the ins and outs of creating freebies and sending newsletters… will I still benefit?
1,000% YES. Totally. I was in that exact same spot a few years ago. I joined a very popular email marketing course and left wanting SO much more, because it ended with “what newsletter emails to send” and never went into how to MONETIZE your list… which is where the GOLD is at, right?! This course goes beyond the basics. We cover what emails to send during a live launch, mapping out your automatic email sales funnels, freebie tripwires, and other strategies for making income with your list, both with live campaigns and passive sales strategies. Module 1 is a sort of “crash course” to learn (or if you’re not new, re-learn) the basics and do it in a way that’s actually effective for sales and worth your time - and doing it right from the beginning!
Will this work if I’m primarily selling 1:1 services?
It will totally depend on your business structure! Let me explain: The strategies taught inside this course are primarily for those wanting to launch new offers, open services, or scale their income with passive sales. This primarily applies to those selling physical products, digital products, courses, coaching programs that are run a certain number of times per year, live programs, live events, repeatable client work, and more. Do you want to launch a new offer using email? Do you want to create a freebie that leads people to buy your digital products? Do you want to create an email strategy around your webinar replay to make passive course sales? Do you want to learn how to promote your digital & physical products on a regular basis in emails? Do you want a strategic email strategy to open spots for your services & book out? If yes to any of those questions, THIS IS FOR YOU. If you said no to all of those questions, it’s probably not a fit at this time.
I’m extremely new and don’t have an email list yet. Will this start with the basics?
The first module of the course does cover the “basics” of best practices for starting your list. These lessons will teach you (or re-teach you) how to start your list the RIGHT way that’s actually going to be effective. This includes: Choosing an ESP, welcome campaigns, email regulations, freebie creation, and deliverability. If you’re brand new and want to hit the ground running with starting your list AND implementing sales strategies, you will totally benefit from this course! However, please note that this course does NOT include extremely detailed teaching on very basic topics like: How to send an email, an overview of all the different email service providers out there and which one to choose, and how to create & design a freebie. Although we cover these topics, they are covered in the first 1-2 lessons of the course, then everything builds off quickly from there!